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Identification and Estimation of Network models with Heterogeneous Interactions,  (with T. Arduini and E. Rainone) in  Advances in Econometrics, volume 42, A. De Paula , E. Tamer and M. Voia (eds),  Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, 2020

Peer effects in Education, (with Angela Cools) in the Handbook of the Economics of Education, B. McCall (ed), Routledge, London, 2020


Social Interaction Methods, (with Chih-Sheng Hsieh and Xu Lin) in the Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population, Klaus Zimmerman (ed), Springer Nature, 2020, revised version of CEPR wp n. 14141, 2019 


Spatial Methods, (with H. Overman and S. Gibbons) in the Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, volume 5, G. Duranton, V. Henderson and W. Strange (eds), Elsevier, 2015


Unobserved Dimensions of Discrimination, (with T. Boeri and G. Peri), Oxford University Press, 2015


Strategic Interactions on Financial Networks for the Analysis of Systemic Risk,  (with E. Cohen-Cole and A. Kirilenko) in the Handbook on Systemic Risk, J.-P. Fouque, J.A., Langsam (eds), Cambridge University Press, 2013


Cultural Integration in Italy, (with A. Bisin) in Y. Algan, A. Bisin, A. Manning, T. Verdier (eds), Cultural Integration in Europe, Oxford University Press, 2012


Latent Variables in Panel Data Models: Theoretical Contributions and Empirical Applications, VDM Verlag, Germany, 2009


Wages and the City, (with S. Di Addario) in Agglomeration Effects on the Labour Market: The Italian Case, S. Di Addario, VDM Verlag, Germany, 2009


Active Labor Market Policies in Europe. Performance and Perspective, (with D. Card, M. Fertig, M. Góra, R. Leetmaa, J. Kluve, C. Schmidt, P. Jensen, B. Van der Klaauw, A. Weber), Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2007


Lavorare in una grande città italiana paga, ma poco, p. 135-146, (with S. Di Addario) in G. Brunello, D. Checchi, C. Lucifera, A. Ichino (eds), Per un’analisi critica del mercato del lavoro, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2005




Urban Labor Economics, by Y. Zenou, Cambridge University Press, New York. 2009. Xii+509 pp. $34.95, Economica, 79, 315, 606-607, 2012

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