Latest News
Child Penalties and Parental Role Models: Classroom Exposure Effects, with H. Kleven and G. Oliverio
Unobserved Contributions and Political Influence: Evidence from the Death of Top Donors, with M. Battaglini and V. Leone Sciabolazza
Experience, Narratives, and Climate Change, with M. Djourelova, R. Durante, and E. Motte
High Rise Housing and Urban Sustainability, with E. Kyriakopoulou, T. Lu, and J. Stråle
Unveiling Discrimination in Teachers’ Expectations, with M. Carlana and F. Miserocchi
Personal Connections and Hiring Decisions in the Public Sector, with Tatiana Mocanu
Refining Public Policies with Machine Learning: The Case of Tax Auditing, accepted Journal of Econometrics, with M. Battaglini, L. Guiso, C. Lacava, and D. Miller
Hurricanes, Climate Change Policies, and Electoral Accountability, Revisions requested American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, with S. Gagliarducci and D. M. Paserman
Spatial Interactions, Quantitative Economics, forthcoming, with J. S. Kim, P. M. Picard, and Y. Zenou
Information, Mobile Communication, and Referral Effects, American Economic Review, forthcoming, with P. Jia Barwick, Y. Liu, and Q. Wu, online appendix
Interactions with Powerful Female Colleagues Promote Diversity in Hiring, Journal of Labor Economics, forthcoming, with M. Battaglini and J. Harris, profiled by NBER Digest
Endogenous Social Interactions with Unobserved Networks, Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming, with M. Battaglini and E. Rainone, supplementary appendix
Tax Professionals and Tax-Evasion, Revisions requested Journal of the European Economic Association, with M. Battaglini, L. Guiso, and C. Lacava
Databases for Computational Social Science Research: social connections of US Congress members merged with their legislative effectiveness and characteristics are now available online