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Refining Public Policies with Machine Learning: The Case of Tax Auditing, accepted,  Journal of Econometrics, with M. Battaglini, L. Guiso, C. Lacava, and D. Miller

Spatial Interactions,  Quantitative Economics, accepted, with J. S. Kim, P. M. Picard, and Y. Zenou

Information, Mobile Communication, and Referral Effects,  American Economic Review, forthcomingwith P. Jia Barwick, Y. Liu, and Q. Wu

Abstentions and Social Networks in Congress, Journal of Politics, forthcoming, with M. Battaglini and V. Leone Sciabolazza

Interactions with Powerful Female Colleagues Promote Diversity in Hiring, Journal of Labor Economics, forthcoming, with M. Battaglini and J. Harris, profiled by NBER Digest

Endogenous Social Interactions with Unobserved Networks (2022), Review of Economic Studies, 89, 4, 1694–1747, with M. Battaglini and E. Rainone, supplementary appendix

Who is the Key Player? A Network Analysis of Juvenile Delinquency (2021)Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 39, 3, 849-857with L. F. Lee, X. Liu and Y. Zenou, profiled by The Economist: Social Networks: Centrality Planning, forthcoming


Effectiveness of Connected Legislators (2020), American Journal of Political Science, 64, 739-756, with M. Battaglini and V. Leone Sciabolazza, Lead ArticleBest Article on Effective Lawmaking  in 2020, a prize awarded by the Center for Effective Lawmaking

Multidimensional Diffusion Processes in Dynamic Online Networks (2020), Plos One, 15(2): e0228421, with D.Easley and C.Rojas


Treatment Effects with Heterogeneous Externalities (2019), Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 38, 826-838, with T. Arduini and E. Rainone


Influencing Connected Legislators (2018), Journal of Political Economy, 126, 6, 2277-2322, with M. Battaglini


Mothers, Peers and Gender-Role Identity (2018)Journal of the European Economic Association, 00, 0, 1–36, with C. Olivetti and Y. Zenou, profiled by Bloomberg: Like Mother Like Daughter, at Least in the Labor Market, and by PBS Newshour: Why Some Women Try to Have It All: New Research on Like Mother, Like Daughter


Social Networks and Parental Behavior in the Intergenerational Transmission of Religion (2016), Quantitative Economics, 7, 3, 969-995, with Y. Zenou


Endogenous Network Production Functions with Selectivity (2016), Journal of Econometrics, 190, 2, 222-232, with W. Horrace and X. Liu


Trading Networks and Liquidity Provision (2014), Journal of Financial Economics, 113, 2, 235-251, with E. Cohen-Cole and A. Kirilenko


Juvenile Delinquency and Conformism (2012), Journal of Law, Economics & Organization, 28, 1, 1-31,  with Y. Zenou, Oliver E. Williamson Prize for Best Article in 2011-2012


Peer Effects and Social Networks in Education (2009), Review of Economic Studies, 76, 4, 1239-1267, with A. Calvò-Armengol and Y. Zenou





Media Slant and Public Policy Views, American Economic Review P&P (2024), 114, pp. 684–89 , with M. Djurelova, R. Durante, and E. Motte

Information Transmission in a Social Network: A Field Experiment, Journal of Experimental Political Science, accepted, with Paolo Pin and Tiziano Rotesi

Spatial Interactions,  Quantitative Economics, accepted, with J. S. Kim, P. M. Picard, and Y. Zenou

Information, Mobile Communication, and Referral Effects,  American Economic Review, forthcomingwith P. Jia Barwick, Y. Liu, and Q. Wu


Interactions with Powerful Female Colleagues Promote Diversity in Hiring, Journal of Labor Economics, forthcoming, with M. Battaglini and J. Harris, profiled by NBER Digest

Endogenous Social Interactions with Unobserved Networks, Review of Economic Studies, accepted ,with M. Battaglini and E. Rainone, supplementary appendix

Parents, Neighbors, and Youth Crime, Review of Economics of the Household, forthcoming , with C. Diaz


Abstentions and Social Networks in Congress, forthcoming Journal of Politics, with M. Battaglini and V. Leone Sciabolazza

Leaders in Juvenile Crime (2021), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 192, 638-667, with C. Diaz, T. Verdier and Y. Zenou

Who is the Key Player? A Network Analysis of Juvenile Delinquency (2020), Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 39, 3, 849-857, with L. F. Lee, X. Liu and Y. Zenou,  profiled by The Economist: Social Networks, Centrality Planning

Friendship and Female Education: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Bangladeshi Primary Schools (2020), The Economic Journal, 130, 740-764, with Y. Hahn, A. Islam and Y. Zenou


Effectiveness of Connected Legislators (2020), American Journal of Political Science, 64, 739-756, with M. Battaglini and V. Leone Sciabolazza, Lead ArticleBest Article on Effective Lawmaking  in 2020, a prize awarded by the Center for Effective Lawmaking


Multidimensional Diffusion Processes in Dynamic Online Networks (2020), Plos One, 15(2): e0228421, with D.Easley and C.Rojas


Treatment Effects with Heterogeneous Externalities (2019), Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 38, 826-838, with T. Arduini and E. Rainone


Weight, Reference Points and the Onset of Eating Disorders (2019)Journal of Health Economics, 65, 170-188, with T. Arduini and D. Iorio


The Brother Earnings Penalty (2019), Labour Economics,58, 37-51, with A. Cools, profiled by The Independent: Women who have a brother are likely to earn less, US study shows


Social Networks in Policy Making (2019)Annual Review of Economics, 11, 473-494,  with M. Battaglini


Influencing Connected Legislators (2018), Journal of Political Economy, 126, 6 , 2277-2322, with M.Battaglini, Online appendix


Mothers, Peers and Gender-Role Identity (2018)Journal of the European Economic Association, 00, 0, 1–36, with C. Olivetti and Y. Zenou, profiled by Bloomberg: Like Mother Like Daughter, at Least in the Labor Market, and by PBS Newshour: Why Some Women Try to Have It All: New Research on Like Mother, Like Daughter


Peer Effects in Bedtime Decisions among Adolescents: A Social Network Model with Sampled Data (2017), The Econometrics Journal, 20, 3, 103-125, with X. Liu and E. Rainone


Social Ties and the Demand for Financial Services (2017), Journal of Financial Services Research, 52, 35-88, with E. Rainone


Self-Control and Peer Groups: An Empirical Analysis (2017), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 134, 240-254, with M. Battaglini and C. Diaz


Heterogeneous Peer Effects in Education (2017), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 134, 190-227, with E. Rainone and Y. Zenou


Bend It Like Beckham: Ethnic Identity and Integration (2016), European Economic Review, 90, 146-164, with A. Bisin, T. Verdier and Y. Zenou


Social Networks and Parental Behavior in the Intergenerational Transmission of Religion (2016), Quantitative Economics, 7, 3, 969-995, with Y. Zenou


Residential Choices of Young Americans (2016), Journal of Housing Economics, 34, 69-81, with T. Arduini


Endogenous Network Production Functions with Selectivity (2016), Journal of Econometrics, 190, 2, 222-232, with W. Horrace and X. Liu


Racial Identity and Education in Social Networks (2016), Social Networks, 44, 85-94, 2016, with Y. Zenou


Immigration, Housing Discrimination and Employment (2015), The Economic Journal, 125, 586, F82-F114, with T. Boeri, M. De Philippis and M. Pellizzari


Static and Dynamic Networks in Interbank Markets (2015), Network Science, 3, 98-123, with E. Cohen-Cole and Y. Zenou


Migration, Friendship Ties, and Cultural Assimilation (2015), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 117, 2, 619-649, with G. Facchini and M.F. Steinhardt


Unexplored Dimensions of Discrimination in Europe: Homosexuality and Physical Appearance (2015), Journal of Population Economics, 28, 4, 1045-1073, with G. Ragusa and Y. Zenou


Trading Networks and Liquidity Provision (2014), Journal of Financial Economics, 113, 2, 235-251, with E. Cohen-Cole and A. Kirilenko


Female Labor Market Participation in Europe: Novel Evidence on Trends and Shaping Factors (2014), IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 3, 18, 1-40, with A. Cipollone and G. Vallanti


Peer Effects in the Demand for Housing Quality (2014), Journal of Urban Economics, 83, 6-17, with G. Venanzoni


Endogenous Peer Effects: Local Aggregate or Local Average? (2014), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 103, 39-59, with X. Liu and Y. Zenou


Ethnic Networks and Employment Outcomes (2012), Regional Science & Urban Economics, 42, 6, 938-949, with Y. Zenou


Urban Crime and Ethnicity (2012), Review of Network Economics, 11, 3, art.11, with Y. Zenou


Organized Crime Networks: An Application of Network Analysis Techniques to the American Mafia (2012), Review of Network Economics, 11,3, art.10, with G. Mastrobuoni


Neighborhood Effects and Parental Involvement in the Intergenerational Transmission of Education (2012),

Journal of Regional Science, 51, 5, 987–1013 (with Y. Zenou)


Juvenile Delinquency and Conformism (2012), Journal of Law, Economics & Organization, 28, 1, 1-31,  Oliver E. Williamson Prize for Best Article in 2011-2012, with Y. Zenou


Formation and Persistence of Oppositional Identities (2011), European Economic Review, 55, 8, 1046-1071, with A. Bisin, T. Verdier and Y. Zenou, 


Ethnic Identity and Labor-Market Outcomes of Immigrants in Europe (2011), Economic Policy, 26, 65,  57-92, with A. Bisin, T. Verdier and Y. Zenou

Local Externalities in Real-World Networks: Does Network Topology Matter? (2009), Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, 14, 2, 293-310 (with G. Venanzoni)


Urban Sprawl in Europe (2009), Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, 10, 125-149, with Y. Zenou


Peer Effects and Social Networks in Education (2009), Review of Economic Studies, 76, 4, 1239-1267, with A. Calvò-Armengol and Y. Zenou,


On the Sources of the Black-White Test Score Gap in Europe (2009), Economics Letters, 102, 1,  49-52, with Y. Zenou


Wages and the City. Evidence from Italy (2008), Labour Economics, 15, 5, 1040-1061, with S. Di Addario


Local Analysis of Economic Disparities in Italy: A Spatial Statistics Approach (2008), Statistical Methods & Applications, 17, 1, 85-112


Are Muslim Immigrants Different in Terms of Cultural Integration? (2008), Journal of the European Economic Association, 6, 2/3, 445-456, with A. Bisin, T. Verdier and Y. Zenou


The Strength of Weak Ties in Crime (2008), European Economic Review, 52, 2, 209-236, with Y. Zenou


Unobserved Heterogeneity or Measurement Errors? Testing for Correlated Effects with Measurement Errors (2007), Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 69, 6, 867-880


Spatial Dependence in Local Unemployment Rates (2007), Journal of Economic Geography, 7, 2, 169-191, with Y. Zenou


Geography and Economic Performance: Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis for Great Britain (2007), Regional Studies, 41, 4, 489-508, with P. Rice

Who Benefits from Credit Subsidies? (2007), Rivista di Politica Economica, 97, 5, 175-202


Spatial Determinants of Productivity: Analysis for the Regions of Great Britain (2006), Regional Science & Urban Economics, 36, 6, 727-752, with P. Rice and A.J. Venables 


Search Intensity, Cost of Living and Local Labour Markets in Britain(2006), Regional Science & Urban Economics, 36, 227-248, with Y. Zenou


Spatial Mismatch, Transport Mode and Search Decisions in England (2005), Journal of Urban Economics, 58, 1, 62-90, with Y. Zenou

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