Child Penalties and Parental Role Models: Classroom Exposure Effects, with H. Kleven and G. Oliverio
Unobserved Contributions and Political Influence: Evidence from the Death of Top Donors, with M. Battaglini and V. Leone Sciabolazza
Experience, Narratives, and Climate Change, with M. Djourelova, R. Durante, and E. Motte
High Rise Housing and Urban Sustainability, with E. Kyriakopoulou, T. Lu, and J. Stråle
Hurricanes, Climate Change Policies, and Electoral Accountability (2022), revised version of NBER wp. n. 25835, with Stefano Gagliarducci and Daniele M. Paserman, Revisions requested American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Social Groups and the Effectiveness of Protests (2020), NBER wp n. 26757, with M. Battaglini and R.B. Morton, Revisions requested Journal of the European Economic Association
Tax Professionals and Tax-Evasion (2020), with M. Battaglini, L. Guiso, and C. Lacava, revised version of NBER wp n. 25745, CEPR wp n. 13656, Revisions requested Journal of the European Economic Association
Dynamic Social Interactions and Health Risky Behavior (2019), NBER wp n. 26223, with T. Arduini, A. Bisin, and O. Ozgur, Revisions requested The Economic Journal
Altruism, Insurance, and Costly Solidarity Commitments (2019), CEPR wp n. 14148, with C. Barrett, V. Nourani, and T. Walker
Work, Retirement, and Social Networks at Older Ages (2016), with G. Engelhardt, profiled by The New York Times: Working Longer May Benefit Your Health, Center for Retirement Research